Selasa, 11 November 2008

Cultural Differences in Japan and Indonesia

Japanese culture and Indonesia is very much different, why? Even as the nation east, the same Asia ...

Japanese culture and Indonesia is very much different, why? Even as the nation east, the same Asia ...

As we know India is negaara the majority of the population follow Islam. And of course, Islamic values are applied in daily life. From here you can see the difference.
Yeah, if not the majority views in terms of Islam, we can see that this nation, can be, quite conservative in the rate things. Try to ask you to the people around you, especially the general public, for example, the housewives in the environment around you, "whether the mini-skirt is polite?". I think almost all people to answer "inappropriate".
Therefore, if this is connected with our problem of manga and anime, will be clear why the people of Indonesia can not accept, my things were actually only fair-fair for our children advance anime and manga.
For example, you try to see the picture below ...

For our children advance anime and manga, may be seen normally. But what if in real life, in this there schoolchild which skirt as it? Is this in accordance with the norms prevailing in our society?

Unlike in Japan, there is a free society, even more free than the United States. So, norms are also calm with the norms applicable in Indonesia ... approximately once ...

Confused it? Same, I also confused, this was a distinct difference discussed or what? I gravitate more toward "Differences way of thinking" yes?

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