Selasa, 11 November 2008

Custom and Mood Summer in Japanese ( 3 )


In Japan after world war II to, the film is considered a recreational people coming. But because of the spread of TV since the sixties, and also because the popular video rentals in the eighties, people have started to leave the cinema. But the film itself still favored by many people, they enjoy through leasing or through a video screening on TV.
Because of that, in Japan since the start of 1993 opened a combined cinema called Sell a popular cinema in the United States and Britain. Cinema Complex is a building in which there are 7 to 15 screen movie built side by side with parking lots, shopping hyper stores, amusement park, etc..
Currently, the Japanese numbers continue to grow, as if you want to say that the popularity of the cinema will come back whenever I like.

Custom and Mood Summer in Japanese ( 2 )


Party fireworks coloring the sky at night summer in Japan is a major event that is held every year, in many place near the sea or rivers. Hello, fireworks found approximately 1,659 years in the mid-Grant era. Japanese fireworks with a different Europe that having a water fountain. Japanese fireworks with a circle-shaped flowers that many. After the show are various colors that change. Because of the shape and color of various, often said the beauty of Japanese fireworks is number one in the world.

Fireworks party held on the days of summer heat in July or August. At night, many people gather, along with families, lovers, and others. Many also open stalls selling food and beverages, quickness to catch a gold fish, game, sweepstakes, etc., makes it a very busy night.

Photo describe the atmosphere of celebration, fireworks, which was held in July in the province of Kobe.

Custom and Mood Summer in Japanese


Yukata is the clothing popular among the people of Japan beginning in the Edo period, approximately four hundred years ago, along with the popularity of cotton cloth. Contrasting with the kimono, yukata, which is used as a clothes dryer after hot water, you may be comfortable with in the summer with no flake.
Currently, almost all dressed in western style and the opportunity to wear Yukata little. But as a sign of the coming summer, many people are waiting to look forward to wearing at the time the party held fireworks or summer festivals, etc..

Yukata worn by both men and women, also by adults and children, but especially when favored by young women.
Each year in June and July, many fashion magazines for young women who show a special edition on Yukata with clothing pool. Presented with detailed not only the image Yukata with a traditional pattern, but also with Yukata design complete with a new way to wear them well and appropriately, according to a haircut, how to use, etc..

Japanese National Ethics ( 6 )


Toilets in Japan usually does not become one with a bathroom. There are two types of toilets in Japan are the type of sit and the other types. Any kind is not available scoop or bucket to flush the toilet. Use toilet paper that is available to clean themselves, so do not dampen the toilets are usually always dry. A little frightening for foreign toilets, which is high as in the picture.

Japanese National Ethics ( 5 )


Do not imagine such luxury apartments that are in Jakarta with a swimming pool, fitness center or tennis apaato in Japan. Apaato in Japan are usually made of wood. Conditions are better than apaato called Mansion with building a more solid wall made of. But in here still without a swimming pool or other luxurious facilities.

Japanese National Ethics ( 4 )


If the host invite only one person only, then should not the time to invite friends visit. Bring a by-by, knock the door no more than twice, if not heard repeat once again. Because the tap is repeatedly disrupt. Before entering the house, usually guests will be offered slippers. Use with our legs or feet that wear stockings. Change sandals with special slippers that are used in the toilets to the toilet when we. Leave shoes that we use in side by side tidy, and for service to the guests are usually the lady of the house will be tidy and the location of our shoes outside the house so that we can immediately use it again when leaving the house.

Japanese National Ethics ( 3 )


In the nation's social life of Japan, giving and receiving gifts is an important part. Gifts are not opened immediately before the gift giver. Opportunities which we must give the prize are:

1.Pada end of the year called "Oseibo" and the Moon in July called "Ochugen" during the Bon festival. (Prizes are given to those who have a lot of help or that we respect.)

2.When visiting someone's home.

3.Gived gifts that we received previously. Gifts can be: Food main results from certain areas, or liquor with good quality and expensive.

Japanese National Ethics ( 2 )


Acquainted with the Japanese people often begins with the exchange name cards, especially for bisnismen. In the card's name is usually listed name, position and address. Time to receive the card in the name of a formal meeting, Learn carefully cards accepted and letakkanlah carefully over the table. Do not incidentally give graffiti on the card what other people again into the bag pants back. This action is very humble.

Japanese National Ethics (1)

Japan is a nation of people who are very polite and sensitive so that ethics is part of daily life. Although they do not expect people abroad to follow their customs hundred percent, but business for the governance Krama Japan will be very appreciated.
With warmth and decorum, which is owned by the people of Indonesia, and under these guidelines are not expected to happen much supererogatory deviations.


Although greeted a bend is very often we find among the people of Japan, but for people overseas, handshake time acquaintances also frequently used, followed by a polite nod. Attitude shows the degree bend more respectful person.

Installing Compexity Obi

You would never see people using the Japanese Kimono, is not it? Beautiful, is not it? Actually there are various ways install Obi, but not as easy as we imagine.

Below is how to install OBI: TAIKO.

1. (place OBI on the left shoulder), measure the length of OBI to the front with a waist

2. (Place mat OBI), take part OBI or dangle a long, convolution cover the mat with a strong OBI

3. convolution loose back

4. (Lower OBI was from the front shoulder) OBI set up in the middle of the back. OBI on the circle in the body enter the forefinger and middle finger in, thumb on the outside, with a strong press

5. Fold over to form a triangle. On the outskirts of the OBI strong bind with ropes

6. Paste cushion the OBI side by side in the average to dangle with the OBI 70-80cm distance from the edges.

7. Place a cushion over the ropes OBI

8. Bunch bolster ties a rope to the front of the OBI and enter the remaining rope to the
OBI base winding

9. OBI cushion wrap, bind to the front.

10. Lift to 2 that the fall, set the size of the amount of "Taiko" which will be formed.

11. a. Remove the ends of the pin, paste to the "Taiko".
b. Hold the limits adjusted, remove the edges 2cm-3cm.
c. Fold neatly and scarves to enter the rest of the "Taiko"

12. a. In the midst bind "Obishime" future
b. Measure rope right and left "obishime" as long
c. The right of the rope "obishime" made the circle, raises a rope "obishime" to the one in the circle, press point the knot
d. Enter "obishime" to the above in the circle, pulling to the left and paste

Cultural Differences in Japan and Indonesia

Japanese culture and Indonesia is very much different, why? Even as the nation east, the same Asia ...

Japanese culture and Indonesia is very much different, why? Even as the nation east, the same Asia ...

As we know India is negaara the majority of the population follow Islam. And of course, Islamic values are applied in daily life. From here you can see the difference.
Yeah, if not the majority views in terms of Islam, we can see that this nation, can be, quite conservative in the rate things. Try to ask you to the people around you, especially the general public, for example, the housewives in the environment around you, "whether the mini-skirt is polite?". I think almost all people to answer "inappropriate".
Therefore, if this is connected with our problem of manga and anime, will be clear why the people of Indonesia can not accept, my things were actually only fair-fair for our children advance anime and manga.
For example, you try to see the picture below ...

For our children advance anime and manga, may be seen normally. But what if in real life, in this there schoolchild which skirt as it? Is this in accordance with the norms prevailing in our society?

Unlike in Japan, there is a free society, even more free than the United States. So, norms are also calm with the norms applicable in Indonesia ... approximately once ...

Confused it? Same, I also confused, this was a distinct difference discussed or what? I gravitate more toward "Differences way of thinking" yes?

Japanese Tea Ceremony Vs China

Japanese tea ceremony is certainly came from China. The tea was brought

by a new frock to the Buddhist era in Japan Tang, about 1,400 years

ago. Hobbes is not the time to get the attention of the people of

Japan. After the Song period, around 1000 years ago, a pastor

from the Japanese Buddhist demanded to science and interested to learn

Chinese tea culture in China. Sepulangnya it to Japan, the tea is

widely known in Japan and become one with the Japanese culture.

Tea culture is also a person who is Korea.Bedanya the Japanese tea

ceremony as a very serious, while drinking tea culture in China is not

bound by nilai2 manners. Many things must be considered in the Japanese

tea ceremony that officially, for example, how to take the cup, put it

in the left hand, rotate 180 degrees before the cup drunk. All the

others present

drink tea from 1 cup, or have a cup masing2 own as a symbol of ties


In China, more manners style speech on the host and guests and

not on how to drink tea yesterday. This is a little difference with the

ceremonial drinking of China to Japan. In accordance with the culture

of the Chinese people talk like wine-soaked and emphasizes the beauty

of language and culture of Japan, which emphasized gestures and deeds.

In Japan, tea ceremony also called Chato, a written letter starch,

with the ceremonial drinking of tea in China called Chadao.

Tea Ceremony, Japanese Culture

In the history of Japan as China, seizing
power never stops, the difference between them
kaisarnya is the Deity to the world,
so emperor never be defeated, the mutual
defeat is the samurai. Nevertheless,
the same result, the progress of the people stuck on the level
feudalism. The main difference in the mid
the 19th century. While Japan is aware of ketinggalannya
western countries, they make restoration
large-scale, the movement known as the restoration
Meiji. Decisions occur in all areas,
government, military, economic, etc., except culture.
They do not discard the lesson of Japanese culture, the name,
ways of association, belief / religion, art, etc..
The result is a country with a strong Japanese culture
original appears in the world. Indeed, unfortunately,
after strong they feel it's time emperor
Japanese emperor world as they
trust, grow and produce militarism
malapetakan world war II, Korea and particularly for
China. 30 million victims in the war against Japan
China, yet they now consider Jepanglah
victims of war, is agresor China and allies.
Nevertheless, maintain their own culture in
technology and economic development, is characteristic
Japan is enviable. Different people of China
and the Chinese general, feel forward, name
replaced, customs, tatakrama replaced, even
language changed. For the Indonesian Chinese
some were forced to order a new era. What is now
is not the time we return back to the way that true?
Culture we turn back, return our name,
at least for children born in the new, formal, and
Give the alias for children who are born with the name of non -
Proposed gathering to drink tea should be supported, but
lector must be followed, which explains the history and
tatacaranya. There are errors, there is no difference in opinion
Now it is important and should be, we all learn new
you are welcome. What is clear is the obstacle is the problem